Welcome to the 1st episode of Trumpet Q&A with Bryan Davis. Following on from “H for Hands“, in the Trumpet A-Z series, Claudio Flabiano had a question about the correct right hand position, and keeping the fingers moving freely, when playing with the Plunger Mute. Bryan has some tips on playing onehanded for any reason, and for practicing your plunger technique too!
Unfortunately, “Plunger Techniques” by Al Grey and Mike Grey is out of print, at this time. If we learn that that has changed, we’ll update this with a link.
Watch other Airflow Music videos: Catch up on the entire Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.
If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!
Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit https://AirflowMusic.com. Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.
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Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:
- Trumpet Edition, Volume 1
- Trombone Edition, Volume 1
- Trumpet Edition, Volume 2
- Trombone Edition, Volume 2
Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit: http://bryandav.is/teaching
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