In this episode of Trumpet A-Z, “Z for Zero”, Bryan Davis discusses vacation or “holiday chops” and how to avoid succumbing to their ill effects. Take a break for a week or two and have zero problems afterwards, rather than zero chops!
Catch up on the entire 1st season of Trumpet A-Z at: Trumpet A-Z Season 1 Playlist. Season 2 will begin after a short break.
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If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!
Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit https://AirflowMusic.com. Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.
NEW! “Finger Flexes” by Bryan Davis. Available as PDF eBook or Printed book. Buy Now →
Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:
- Trumpet Edition, Volume 1
- Trombone Edition, Volume 1
- Trumpet Edition, Volume 2
- Trombone Edition, Volume 2
Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit: http://bryandav.is/teaching